
D&E Building Blocks

Services to enhance dissemination strategies and develop market-oriented exploitation plans.

Unlock your project’s potential with these “building block” services, designed to assist you in structuring and reinforcing your strategies for dissemination and exploitation activities, ensuring that research results reach the right audience and achieve significant market uptake.

At least one of the two building block services will be included in the Service Roadmap, which will be defined and validated with your Booster mentor during the Entry-Level Consultation.

Dissemination Support (DIS)

This service is dedicated to promoting your project results to your target audience. It is designed to help you develop impactful dissemination plans and implement them effectively. It includes coaching on assessing and improving strategies, identifying key intellectual assets, target audiences, and the best channels for maximising impact.

  • Evaluate and improve your current dissemination plan.
  • Identify target audiences and craft impactful key messages.
  • Receive advice on the most effective dissemination channels and formats, such as Horizon Results Platform.
  • Ensure the long-term availability and accessibility (open access) of your project outputs.

Ideal for:

  • Individual projects
  • Project groups (with ideal size of 3-4 projects). This service supports such clusters in creating and developing common plans.

Go-To-Market Support (G2M)

Helps you focus on increasing the maturity level of Key Exploitable Results (KERs), developing effective business plans to facilitate market access and impact, and identifying opportunities for further exploitation or reuse of research results.

Through coaching, assess result maturity, conduct market analysis, perform risk assessments, and identify key stakeholders and business partners. Additional guidance covers innovation management, financial planning, and creating a go-to-market strategy.

The Go-To-Market Support will target up to three KERs selected in agreement between you and the expert, with the possibility of including additional KERs.

  • Identify and assess the maturity level of KERs for future applications and market uptake.
  • Develop high-quality exploitation strategies, business plans, addressing intellectual assets.
  • Conduct market analysis to evaluate potential markets, market share, positioning, stakeholders, and trends.
  • Analyse risks related to the commercialisation of KERs.
  • Identify relevant stakeholders, business partners, and potential funding opportunities.
  • Translate scientific knowledge into innovative solutions and clear messages for stakeholders.
  • Improve innovation management skills.
  • Showcase KERs on key platforms, such as the Horizon Results Platform.
  • Prepare structured business plans, including financial and monetisation plans, supporting the creation of spin-offs/start-ups.
  • Create a detailed roadmap for successful exploitation and market entry.

Ideal for:

  • Advanced individual research projects which are aiming to enter on the market.
  • In certain circumstances, it can be also delivered to project groups.

What is a Key Exploitable Results?

According to the definition of the European Commission, a Key Exploitable Result (KER) is an identified main interesting result (as defined below) which has been selected and prioritised due to its high potential to be “exploited” – meaning to make use and derive benefits - downstream the value chain of a product, process or solution, or act as an important input to policy, further research or education

A Result is defined as: “Any tangible or intangible output of the action, such as data, knowledge and information whatever their form or nature, whether or not they can be protected, which are generated in the action as well as any attached rights, including intellectual property rights”. Source: EC Research & Innovation Participant Portal Glossary/Reference Terms

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