
Personalised Support

Inception and overarching support services

Our personalised support services cover the start of your Booster journey and supports you throughout the completion of your roadmap.

It encompasses the entry-level consultation to which you are invited to after applying on this site, and the follow-up support by the Booster mentor that will have been appointed to you.

1. Entry-Level Consultation

Before we can guide you in improving your dissemination and exploitation activities, we need to understand your needs and the sector you are evolving in. This happens at the hand of the first call organised with the Booster team: the entry-level consultation meeting. Together with the team, we clarify and discuss your current situation, expectations, and the key exploitable results of your projects.

Following this conversation, the Booster mentor can propose the most appropriate Booster services for your needs. This pre-assessment leads to the definition of a Service Roadmap which recommends the most appropriate services and schedules them across a timeframe.

Once the Service Roadmap is defined, and validated by yourself, your journey can start with the assignment of your Booster mentor and expert team.

2. Follow-Up Support via Single Point of Contact/Mentor

The Booster mentor is your key contact during your journey. This person is an expert selected according to your challenges and needs. The mentor is here to facilitate your experience with the services and collect your feedback to assess the potential need for additional services. This support also monitors the actions taken towards the exploitation of results even beyond the Booster services and the increased maturity of said results.

Follow-up meetings will occur every six months for up to four years after the Service Roadmap is validated.

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